Postpartum sleep deprivation is debilitating.
I’m here to tell you it does not need to be your reality.
In my many years as a newborn sleep specialist and as a mother of three, I’ve heard it all: all of the beliefs and all of the opinions around what is and isn’t the right way to parent.
I quickly learned that the biggest and most detrimental misconception of all is that a newborn cannot sleep through the night.
I’ve spent over a decade helping parents of newborns create more ease in their fourth trimester through sleep and can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that your baby can be sleeping through the night happily and healthily earlier than you ever imagined possible.
The truth is:

Why you’ve never heard of a newborn sleeping through the night, despite everything you’ve read.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking Nicole - I’ve read every book, every article, I’ve spoken to doctors, nurses and my own parents, and NONE of them have told me that it’s possible to have my newborn sleeping through the night, let alone as early as you say.
Misconceptions keep you in a sleepless cycle
Common misconceptions around how much food a baby needs (hint: an underfed baby won't sleep), how much stimulation they need, what sounds need attending to and which don't, are just some of the things that keep mothers in a sleepless cycle.
There is a lack of postpartum education
Despite ALL of the evidence that points to the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation and it's contribution to postnatal depression, marital challenges, happiness levels and general wellbeing, barely any research, education or training exists that is dedicated to helping parents PREPARE for the postpartum period.
In fact, the World Health Organisation describes the postnatal period as the most critical and yet the most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies.
This is why I created the Asleep in 12 program.
Together we will dispel the misconceptions that make the postpartum period harder than it needs to be and in turn help you create more ease during this precious time.
Parents need to think about how they will respond to sleep deprivation as part of preparing to have a child. Good sleep begins before birth.
You can imagine the difference it will make when your newborn is sleeping peacefully from 7pm to 7am.
- You feel guilty, selfish or wrong for wanting to create more ease during a period when most parents don’t sleep.
- You're having a hard time believing that this is even possible
- You’re worried about being judged for seeking help before you’ve even “given it a go”
- You’re in information overload from all the books, philosophies and opinions and working out what’s right for you and your baby feels overwhelming
If this sounds like you, I completely understand.
This is your invitation & permission slip to
quieten down those other voices, and ask yourself:
what is best for my baby & my family?
What's best for one family, differs to the next.
- If you would rather not wake up every 2 to 3 hours for the next 6+ months (if you don’t have to) and instead gift your baby and yourself full nights of sleep
- If you know that your mental wellbeing suffers without sleep and you want to take proactive action by preparing yourself with life-changing skills and education
- If you are tired of all the conflicting information and want just one tried, tested and trusted point of reference
- If you know that sleep will enable you to show up for your baby, your family and yourself with so much more presence and joy
Then applying the Asleep in 12 method is going to be one of the best decisions you could ever make.


The Asleep in 12 Program isn't magic, genes or luck – it’s a well-defined, safe and proven method that turns your newborn into a peaceful sleeper within weeks, not months. You simply need to follow the steps set out in the program and watch sleepless nights turn into peaceful slumbers.
BUY NOW"People were amazed when we told them Gigi was sleeping 12 hours every night and had a routine at 6 weeks of age. They thought it was just luck of the draw. No, it’s Nicole’s method. We followed it as guided and it worked. She’s brilliant”.

The method introduces your newborn into a healthy day and night routine from day one so that they are sleeping 12 hours a night, in as little as 4 weeks. I know this sounds almost unbelievable but the proof is in the pudding.
We take all the guesswork out by providing a very clear structure and straight-forward guidelines on how to implement it. It also cuts through the common misconceptions that hinder baby sleep. And yes it works for twins and triplets as well as it does for single babies.
Hundreds of families have applied this method with a very high success rate.
In bite-sized pieces, you’re going to learn:
- The Asleep-in-12 day routine
- The Asleep-in-12 night routine
- Foundations of baby sleep
- Misconceptions that perpetuate sleep deprivation
- Optimising the sleep environment
- Hospital plan: What to expect and do in hospital after
giving birth - Feeding for sleep: How much, when and what to
feed your baby - Wrapping for sleep: techniques for restful sleep
- Understanding your baby’s cues
- Common health issues and how to spot them
- The mindset shifts that create more ease and peace
The course will include live Q&A's with me and the opportunity to add-on one-to-one support.

- A calm and content baby who sleeps peacefully through the night (7pm to 7am)
- Well-rested and clear-headed parents
- Deeper levels of presence with your baby and partner
- Quality time for parents to connect, have dinner together, rejuvenate
- Whole evenings to unwind or get through life admin
- A more easeful and peaceful postpartum journey
This program is about you feeling empowered in your parenting journey, it is about reducing overwhelm, it is about changing the narrative of how parenthood ‘should’ feel, around sacrifice, around mum-guilt or dad-guilt. I don’t believe in martyrdom here, or judgement, I believe in support in the truest sense. The happier and healthier you are, the happier and healthier your baby will be. I am here to support and champion you the entire way.
I want to be clear about one thing - this is NOT the cry it out method. In fact if your baby is constantly crying night after night, it’s more likely that they haven't been fed enough during the day, have tummy issues or are waking from habit. We focus on identifying and addressing the root cause of the crying.
"People kept saying to us, how are you so happy after we had the baby? Aren't you supposed to be exhausted and tired, how are you guys getting along so well? We were like - Nicole. It's because of Nicole"
Hi, I’m Nicole Ossip.
I’m a mother of three, a newborn sleep educator and a parent empowerment coach.
I’ve spent over decade helping parents of newborns create more ease in their fourth trimester through sleep and can tell you with full confidence that your baby can be sleeping through the night happily and healthily earlier than you ever imagined possible.
The method I now teach evolved organically through my years night-nannying for hundreds of families.
I began noticing and documenting how certain settling techniques, wrapping methods, feeding and sleeping routines helped babies sleep through the night faster and soon the Asleep in 12 method was born.
My vision for you is that you turn around in a month or two and say to me:
I never imagined that we could feel this content, this in love, this at ease and this in control of everything so soon.
I am here to help make that your reality.

“I am someone who needs sleep. Sleep deprivation took a major toll. I was exhausted, anxious and worried every day. I feel eternally grateful that my friend connected me with Nicole. It was the support and reassurance I needed.”

“Through her technique our little boy was sleeping for an uninterrupted 12 hours from 10 weeks of age. The difference this made to our lives and our marriage cannot be expressed. We wouldn’t do another pregnancy without her. Beyond grateful.”
The transition to parenthood is one of the most profound life experiences you will ever go through. Good sleep will be your greatest ally.
Only $399

Client Testimonials
Hear from a few of our happy families.
Maya & Baby Jack
"My life literally changed from the minute I started working with her"
Lori, Ari & baby Buddy
"Everything Nicole said she was capable of doing, came to fruition"
Matilda, Jack & baby Fred
"We wouldn't have a baby who sleeps from 6:30pm to 6:30am like clockwork if it wasn't for Nicole"
Amy, Duncan & baby Gigi
"I don't even think thank you even begins to explain it. She was my everything for those first 6 weeks"
How does it work?
What happens after I register?
When do I get access to the course?
Do I get direct access to Nicole?
What other ways can I work with Nicole?
Is there a disadvantage to doing this online versus in person?
When is the best time to start?
Does it work for twins and triplets?
How soon can I get my baby sleeping 12 hours a night?
How do I know that this will work for my newborn?
Will my baby have to cry it out?
Is this method safe?
Isn’t sleep deprivation just a normal part of newborn life?
Why should I be concerned about sleep deprivation?
Other questions?

“Nicole is truly exceptional. Nothing is ever too much for her. We can't put into words how much we appreciate what she has done for us"

“This program is the best thing we have ever done for our family. What Nicole teaches, needs to be taught everywhere”
Don't hesitate to reach out, my team and I are here for you.
Schedule an intro call here or email me here.